Over the years until you retire, how much money will you make? Below you can estimate how much your working life could be worth over the next 30 years.
If you earn $90K pa, and have 30 years to retire, your working life could be worth around $4.2M. This income is most likely what will enable you to achieve you what your want from life. To live your desired lifestyle.
What if you couldn't work due to illness or an accident?
How would you pay for things? You could use sick leave, holidays & savings but then will only keep you going for a while. Then what?
Your ability to work can be insured. It is called Income Protection. Even the ATO recognises it as important and gives tax deductions for it.
It can be structured to be affordable for your circumstances and some of it may be able to be paid for from your superannuation.
If you book in a free no obligation appointment to arrange income protection before valentines day 2023 (14/2/23), we will rebate 50% of the upfront commission which could save you $'000s.
Book now by calling us on 02 8013 5205 or contacting via the contact us page.
The meeting only takes a short time and we assist you through the whole process, even your claim if and when you make one. Act now and save money now and in the future.