Earn More Income: Is it worth the risk?
Webinar Registration
Come to our live Q&A session on Downsizer contributions including strategies to maximise your super. Combining different types of contributions with planned timings can allow you to contribute more than the Total Super Balance cap of $1.7m.
We will be answering your questions. If you know what you would like to ask, please submit in the form below so that we can ensure we answer this during the webinar.
Please note: this will be general advice and not personal advice as we don't know your circumstances. If you would like advice for your circumstances, please contact us at Valor Private Wealth on 02 8013 5205.
Rob Shears: Principal Financial Adviser at Valor Private Wealth. Rob has been providing advice to for over 17 years and has helped many to have the finances to fund their desired retirement lifestyle.
Rachel Lafazanis: Rachel will be the moderator and has experience helping people to navigate the Aged Care / Home Care landscape.